This is an initiative intended to promote the adoption, implementation and assessment of open government practices in Mexican states and municipalities through permanent spaces for dialogue —Local Technical Secretariat— that allow building capacities to implement Action Plans at the local level with the purpose of finding collaborative solutions to high-impact public problems.
The goal of the Open Government Metric is to observe, measure, and compare the manner in which the three-level governments (and other parties regulated by the General Transparency Act) interact with the citizens, considering two aspects: the possibility for the citizens may know their government actions (transparency) and the spaces where citizens may get involved in government activity (participation).
The main purpose of the Open Government National Summit is to debate, assess and offer an outlook (based on observed results) on the openness agenda promoted at state level by INAI, through the Open Government Project: Locally driven co-creation, in addition to report the actions developed by the INAI within the framework of the Proactive Transparency Policy, along with the experiences strengthening and promoting practices that, at federal level, have consolidated information as a useful public asset able to bring social benefits.
This program facilitates the strengthening of good governance in Mexico based on Open Government practices, citizen participation, transparency, and anti-corruption actions, with innovative schemes for capacity development and social involvement, leading to the empowerment of agents of change and the promotion of dialogue and co-creation at the subnational level.
This is a project intended to move forward focal open governance through the development and implementation of innovative methodologies that allow assessing the information on the flow of public resources in order to allow citizens to understand how resources are being used and how to use such information to influence public decision-making.
This tool integrates a repertory of international practices of Open Government and Proactive Transparency, from the date of the entry into force of the General Act on Transparency and Access to Public Information, which goal is that regulatory achievements can be translated into social benefits and renew the bonds of trust between the population and authorities.
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00-18:00 and Friday 09:00-15:00.
Insurgentes Sur No. 3211 Col. Insurgentes Cuicuilco, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04530
Del responsable de tratar sus datos personales
El Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI o Instituto), los cuales serán protegidos conforme a lo dispuesto en la Ley General de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Sujetos Obligados, y demás normatividad que resulte aplicable.
Los datos personales que recabaremos los utilizaremos para las siguientes finalidades:
Para esta última finalidad requeriremos de su consentimiento el cual podrá manifestar al momento de registrar su correo electrónico.
Usted podrá consultar el aviso de privacidad integral en el siguiente link web:
Fecha de elaboración del aviso de privacidad: 14 de septiembre de 2018.
This is a Website of the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection, which management is in charge of the General Head Office of Open Government and Transparency. The published information and the document collection are of open access under the terms of the following license:
This work is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike l 4.0 International License.