What are the Open Government local efforts, also known as the Locally driven co-creation initiative?

The purpose of this initiative is to provide and promote the adoption, implementation and systematic assessment of the open government practices in the states and municipalities to solve high-impact public problems. The initiative is based on the implementation of permanent spaces for dialogue (Local Technical Secretariat) where society and government jointly decide what alternatives shall be implemented by means of a Local Action Plan meeting different needs.

The General Act of Transparency and Access to Public Information published on May 4, 2015, states in TITLE FOUR Article 59 named: “Culture of Transparency and Governmental Openness”, that the Oversight bodies, such as INAI, within their attributions, shall contribute, with the regulated entities and representatives of civil society, in the implementation of collaboration mechanisms for the promotion and application of open government policies and mechanisms.

Since 2015, the INAI’s General Head Office of Open Government and Transparency, within the framework of the National System of Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (SNT), has been working to carry out this labor, making that more than 80 authorities, 28 oversight bodies of the right to access to information, and about 120 organizations of the civil society around the country, converge, collaborate and design practices of transparency, participation and accountability to solve the public problems of the states.

Why shall this section be consulted?

This section shows the progress in the fulfillment of the commitments made by the state governments with civil society and the open government agenda. The appropriation level of the open government model is very different among the states. Therefore, when looking upon this section you may observe the progress in detail of the strategies agreed and designed by the involved actors.

In this section, you can consult the open government guides, identify the states with a local technical secretariat, discover how many action plans are per state, the open government commitments and the public problems that need to be addressed in each state.

What is the status?

This picture shows the achievements and the opportunity areas of the states participating in the “Locally driven co-creation” strategy. In this way, the members of the Local Technical Secretariats or the people responsible for the open government strategies can know about their progress or delay, in order to design better strategies for the open government local actions.

The following map shows the states part of the “Locally driven co-creation” strategy according to their year of incorporation. Each state is linked to a section containing the open government declaration endorse date, the official document evidencing the Technical Secretariat establishment, the name of the Members of the Local Technical Secretariat, the Action Plans implemented, and other necessary inputs for citizens to oversee the progress and learn more about their local strategies.

Entities begininning in 2015
Entities begininning in 2016
Entities begininning in 2017
Entities begininning in 2018
Entities begininning in 2019
Entities not participating

Click here - Get to know INAI’s liaison for every state

Click here - All commitments


Below you can observe some examples of the commitments of the “Locally driven co-creation” strategy. The map above includes all the commitments currently made.

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